Friday, 6 May 2011

VIDEO - Front Plank on swiss ball and Front Plank with side steps

Hi everyone,

I know it has been a while since my last update, but today I have been able to post a little demonstration of a good core exercise on the swiss ball and also the normal front plank with some side steps. Those of you who know me know that I think it is really important to add in some good core exercises as part of anyone's program and my view on this still hasn't changed. I have previously described several basic core exercises like the plank in different variations with pictures, but today I will let you have a look at a little film clip so you can see what I mean.

Front Plank on Swissball

  • On this exercise you start in a plank position with your elbows on the ball and feet on the floor
  • Make sure you embrace your core and that you keep like a straight line from top to bottom
  • The small movements I do are done on purpose to challenge the core even more
  • You can always start off by just holding this position and as you want to progress it you can start moving the ball around with your elbows, rememebr to do this controlled though!
  • Start off by moving from 30 – 45 seconds, then rest on the floor for 45-60 seconds between your sets, and repeat 3 sets
Here we go :

Front Plank with Sidesteps

  •  Start with your toes, elbows and forearms on the mat
  •  Your toes should be placed shoulder width apart and your elbows shoulder be placed under your shoulder
  •  Make sure your abdominals are pulled in and that your hips are parallel to the floor throughout the exercise
  • When you are ready start taking a small step with your right toes towards the right side, step back into the middle and step out to the left side with your left toes
  • Make sure you keep your hips stable and don’t let them rock from side to side while moving your legs
  •  Keep moving from 30 – 45 seconds, then rest on the floor for 45 – 60 seconds between your sets, and repeat 3 sets

It may look easy, but give it a try and let me know what you think:)

Good luck :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great move..great form!

(I hate the Fitness ball! I's rather do the move on the floor.)