Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Bulgarian Squat/ Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - VIDEO

Do you like the burning sensation in your legs and gluteus the day after a tough leg session?

Do you like to struggle to get out of bed in the morning cause your legs ache like mad?

Well if you do, then you should definitely give the Bulgarian Squats a go!

I have added two separate videos showing the exercise underneath, one on each leg. I am using a z-bar with some light weights here, but you can also grab a dumbbell in each hand as well. Having a bar on your back might cue you to keep your chest up thought, which is always a bonus.

This exercise will challenge your balance and you will feel a good stretch in your hipflexors. If you have tight hip flexors, then your range of movement might be restricted, but as you get better at it you will be able to lower yourself down further (Mine is far from perfect, but I am working on it). Make sure your knees face forward throughout the movement.

Excuse me for the facial expressions, but this is my third set so my legs were starting to feel it:)

I always find it harder on one leg, so my left leg is definetely struggling!

Get ready for sore gluteus the following day, good luckJ

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